These Memorialization settings help determine what happens to your Facebook account when you pass on. This article will help you set up settings for yourself and memorialize a page for someone else.

How To Set Up Facebook Memorialization Settings

At the end of your life, it may be nice to leave behind a sort of online memorial to yourself. Facebook provides you with the following two options. 

Set a “Legacy Contact,” someone who will manage your Facebook page after you’re gone. A Legacy Contact can accept friend requests, change cover and profile photos, and post tribute messages.

Delete your Facebook account completely. This is different from deactivation and means that all traces of your account will be removed from Facebook’s servers permanently.

How To Add a Legacy Contact

Before you add a Legacy Contact, speak to the person about accepting the responsibility. It’s a big job, and not a pleasant one–after all, they’re tasked with dealing with social media after a personal tragedy. If the person agrees, then you can set them as a contact. To do this follow the steps below: This will notify the person that you have chosen them as a Legacy Contact, but they will not be notified again until your account has been memorialized. 

How To Delete Facebook After Death

If you decide that you would rather your Facebook account be deleted after you pass away, follow the steps below.  Death is a reality for everyone, and you need to consider what will happen to your social media accounts after you’re gone. 

How To Memorialize Another Account

If a friend or family member passes away without choosing their memorialization settings, you can request that Facebook memorialize the account. Once again, you have two options here. 

You can request that Facebook create a memorial page for the account, orYou can request that the account be removed completely.

How To Request Facebook Memorialize An Account

If you want Facebook to create a permanent online memorial to a loved one, follow the steps below: 

How To Request The Removal Of a Page

If you would prefer Facebook remove the page of a deceased friend or family member, you need to submit a special request. You can request the removal of a page even if the person is medically incapacitated. While social media and death are not fun topics to discuss, the last thing you want is to allow your own profile or that of a loved one to remain open for anyone to use. After you have memorialized a page, it will change in appearance, and the word Remembering will appear next to the person’s name on their profile.  Even if you have no plans to shuffle off the mortal coil anytime soon, it’s a good idea to figure out your settings now in case the worst happens. 

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